When you think of Disney movies, you probably think of happy endings, amazing love stories, and magic. Even though some Disney movies include unhappy scenes such as the death of Mufasa in Lion King, there are a few things, you’ll never see in a Disney movie. Keep reading to find out what they are.
No beheadings
The Queen of Hearts in Alice in Wonderland is famously quoted as saying “off with their heads.” But, you don’t see any beheadings in the film. That’s because beheadings are on Disney’s banned list. When movie creators sign a contract with Disney, they agree that there will be no violence of this nature in the script. However, the mentioning of this act seems to be okay.
No impalement
Another violent act on Disney’s banned list is impalement. We’ve seen characters get stabbed in Disney movies, the hunter in Snow White, but impalements are on the no-no list. For Disney, a character falling to their death and being impaled is a no go. However, in Disney’s The Little Mermaid, Prince Eric defeats the evil sea witch Ursula by steering the stern of his boat into her belly. Simultaneously, Ursula is struck by lightning and dragged under the water to what is assumed an impending death. But, a lot has changed since 1989, and one would naturally assume that this act of violence is grandfathered in today, but prohibited in future movies. As with beheadings, writers and creators that work for Disney are bound by contract not to include any impalements in their stories.
No smoking
The “no smoking” clause was added to Disney contracts around 2015. So the famous caterpillar smoking in Alice in Wonderland and even Pinocchio experimenting with a cigar are grandfathered in. Unlike the previous two violent acts banned in Disney movies, the no-smoking clause has a few exceptions. The clause only applies to movies rated G, PG, or PG-13. Disney isn’t known for creating R-rated movies, but if they did, the contract would allow for smoking scenes in this type of flick. Smoking is also allowed in a Disney movie if it is needed for historical significance. However, if there isn’t a legitimate reason for smoking, specifically a character smoking in a Disney movie after 2015, it is strictly banned.
Now that you know what three things you won’t ever see in Disney movies, put your knowledge to the test. Go on a Disney movie binge and look for these three banned acts. If you notice any of these acts, make sure to note that the most recent contract banning these acts was created in 2015.