When was the last time you updated your resume? If the answer is any greater than 3 months ago you need to take a look at it. While that may seem like overkill, updating your resume ever quarter means that it is reflecting the current you and takes account of your best achievements. If you haven’t updated your resume in years and try to bring it up to date you are likely to leave out some of your best bits. Get it in shape now and keep an eye on it every quarter from here on out.
When updating your resume, ensure that the template has a modern feel and template. If you put a lot of effort into the template ten years ago you may think it is still impressive but times change and the style has changed completely. For example, if your resume still has a section called ‘Objective’ it is out of date.
Ensure you remove any old jargon or skills that are no longer relevant. If you are able to code in software that no longer exists, leaving it on your resume shows you lack insight into the current market. Remove your high school achievements too, they are likely no longer relevant.
Your resume is now an open invitation to your professional social media. Ensure you leave a link to your LinkedIn profile and that the two work hand in hand. Avoid applying for a job as a customer representative with a matching resume, only for them to look at your LinkedIn and find no mention of this area of work. Ensure your profile is consistent across the board.
Remove any dead space. By having a section on your references, you are wasting space. Everyone knows you have references and they will ask for them when they feel it is required. Instead, use the space to talk about your achievements.