We often think if we are the right person for a job then we will get it, but in reality, it is not always the case. Popular jobs have hundreds of people applying for them and for your CV to even be seen is a fortunate thing. To then get chosen you need to catch a recruiter’s eye. Then, even if you have a great interview you have to hope the person interviewing you was in the right headspace to think you are amazing. Here are a few key tips.
When you are searching for a job it can be tempting to block out 30 minutes at the end of every day and dedicate it to searching for jobs. However, if you are sending CVs to hiring managers at the close of a day, it is often going to be missed. They are on the way out the door and when they arrive the next morning there are a bunch of new emails waiting for them. If applying for a job try and do it at the beginning of the day so that when they open their inbox and start to go through jobs, yours is the first they see.
That raises another important point, what day should you apply. We don’t even need to explain why weekends are a terrible idea. Don’t do it. Even Fridays are not a good approach as the hiring manager is likely planning for the weekend and trying to get through the last things on their list of must-dos. A new email is nothing something they are in the mood for.
Studies have shown that the best time to apply is on a Monday. This is the start of the week when hiring managers are more receptive to new emails and may be impressed by your enthusiasm. A final tip is to always request your interview to be in the morning. If you are the first candidate someone has seen they are more likely to review you favorably.